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发布时间:2018-04-30 19:19:36 来源:网络浏览:

Topshop推出半码牛崽裤 There ar新乡哪里有卖工作服的e few women alive who enjoy the arduous task of shopping for jeans, bu松江区订制工作服厂家t Topshop is set to make the experience better by launching half sizes in a number of its denim styles.很少女性会在逛街的时候,喜欢单纯的购买牛崽裤,但Topshop为了让你有更好的体验,宣布推出半码牛崽裤。For many of us who fall in-between sizes, buyin

are few women alive who enjoy the arduous task of shopping for jeans, but 公司工作服设计
Topshop is set to make the experience better by launching half sizes in a number of its denim styles.


For many of us who fall in-between sizes, buying new denim can be a tedious business of trying on three pairs of jeans before finding out that none of them fit properly. To counter this, Topshop has announced that half sizes are available online and now include W25, W27, W29 and W31 across the Jamie, Joni, Mom, Straight, Jamie Flare and the Crop styles, in black and blue washes.

对我们当中的很多人来讲,买新的牛崽裤多是1件乏味的事,他们会试穿3条牛崽裤,然后才发现这些牛崽裤都不合身。为了应对这1问题,Topshop宣布,目前已有半码尺寸可供使用,包括W25、W27、W29和W31,在Jamie, Joni, Mom, Straight, Jamie Flare和the Crop风格中,都有黑色和蓝色的水洗。

The high-street brand, which has also launched its first dual-branded denim campaign, has introduced three new styles for spring/summer 2018, including the New Boyfriend, the Wide and电影院一定要工作服吗
the Cropped Straight.


Here's to hoping that揭阳工作服订做厂家
more brands follow the half-size lead soon.


(By Harper's Bazaar St连体工作服公司