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Runway to Real-way -穿出自己的高街style屋顶秧田工装

发布时间:2018-05-20 16:00:54 来源:网络浏览:

Runway to Real-way |穿出自己的高街style Just as history repeats itself, fashion trends are perpetually recycled & reinterpreted over the years. Interpreting the trends each season is a test of creativity in that we’re utilizing already owned 衢州定做工作服厂items & making them feel just as current as what’s on the runway.犹如历史会重演,流行就是1股新旧元素的轮回。 今天

Just as history repeats itself, fashion trends are perpetually recycled & reinterpreted over the years. Interpreting the trends each season is a test of creativity in that we’re utilizing already owned items & making them feel just as current as what’s on the runway.

犹如历史会重演,流行就是1股新旧元素的轮回。 今天我们就来点时兴穿越,用已具有的单品穿搭出当季的T台范!

Pimped Out Parachute:贼啦炫酷的降落伞look

One major trend this season is the parachute style. This comes in the form of water-resistant jackets, jumpsuits & dresses. Adopting this trend doesn’t necessarily mean dressing like a professional sky女生工作服图片
diver. We can find functionality & style in a more subtle manner.


When we wear a cute outfit to the gym, we psychologically trick ourselves into having more fun while working out. The same applies here; if we have a kick-ass parachute raincoat for those dreary days, we won’t dread being out in bad weather!


Fanny Pack Comeback: 腰包€€潮已来到

Many have tried & few have succeeded but this time around it looks like fanny packs are on the rise. Now, w/ more differentiation in the styles & textiles offered, the popular opinion that fanny packs should exclusively be worn by dorks in the 80’s & on moms & dads at Disney world in the 90’s is shifting. Now your cool cousin is wearing one at Coachella & maybe you should too!


Not only are fanny packs practical (who else is tired of giant tote bags filled w/ junk?!), but there are alternate ways of wearing them. Sport them diagonally & across your back, slung over 1 shoulder, around the smallest part of your waist or around the hips.


Ace-symmetry: 不对称才是我要的

It seems like over the last decade or so we’ve seen different variations of asymmetric styles season after season. A hit on the runways for spring was a new take on said asymmetrical styles featuring necklines w/ artful draping, cut-outs, peek-a-boo shoulders & more!


These unique necklines will make any outfit instantly more chic & feminine. The diagonal lines draw the eye inward versus side to side making this style quite flattering for a slightly wider frame.


As w/ any trend, don’t buy it just because i冬装羽绒工作服
t’s popular. We’re all unique & that can be celebrated thr甘肃定做工装公司
ough our style. Be sure to keep an eye on the pieces hiding in the back of your closet & you may find that you can interpret a trend in your own way w/out actually purchasing anything new at all!


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Editor in Chief: Rui Cheng

Writer: Moira McNally

Photos:homegymr.com, httrittenhousespine.com, nydailynews.com

Translator: Kaili Chou